Riverdell Spiritual Centre

The Soma Sessions
with Chelsea

May 9 (Thursday)
at 7:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

The Soma sessions are 90 minute classes of guided somatic movement in a group setting. 
Located in the Karrawirra building at Riverdell. 

Using a range of expressive techniques such as stretching, dancing, shaking, stomping, and jumping to tap into stagnant and stored trauma in order to release and liberate yourself. 

These classes will teach you the skills to take home for your every day benefit, to use to regulate your nervous system, activate energy centres and ignite a new level of confidence and expression you are destined to tap into. 

Being empowered by a room full of people, you will up-level your ability to show up in the spotlight, while also finding sanctuary within self, embodying all that you strive to be. 
The techniques taught are all intuitive and intended to be interpreted to suit each individual, there is no right or wrong way to show up to these sessions. 

Please be advised that this class is for ALL mobility levels, body types and genders. 

Each session will vary in its intention. 

Some weeks with a special focus that will be announced in preparation, but all with the overall intention to heal and express in a safe space.


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