Riverdell Spiritual Centre

Spiritual Meditation
with Amanda

June 1 (Wednesday)
at 9:30 am

Class length
45 minutes

Riverdell Spiritual Centre (The Sanctuary)

Join our guided meditation sessions, where we take you on a spiritual journey to awaken and deepen your connection with self and spirit. Our sessions will start with gentle energy movement & breath exercises to help you connect and relax into the meditation. From there, you will be guided on a spiritual journey. Each week’s journey will vary, from meeting spirit guides and balancing chakras to manifesting abundance and more! Whether you are new to meditation, or it is your regular practice, you are very welcome. Never meditated before, not sure how to? Don’t stress, we’ve got you. You will be guided and supported. Meditate daily? Awesome. Come and tap into the group energy to elevate your frequency and expand your consciousness. Everyone is welcome.

Amanda, our Meditation Facilitator, is a Reiki Practitioner and has lived and breathed meditation for many years. Amanda’s journey of self-discovery and personal growth began as a curious student of metaphysics and parapsychology, and in more recent years leaned towards meditation, psychic development, and mediumship. With intention to bring healing, balance, rejuvenation, and spiritual guidance to those who seek - we in turn, bring light to our world at a time when it's needed most.


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